Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Prayer Request

Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Jim goes in the hospital for a heart cath. so the cardiologist can get a better look at his blocked aorta valve and see if there are anymore blockages. He is very apprehensive about it, he has never been sick or had a prescription until a few years ago. It is really hard seeing him like this, he has always been my rock and the one taking care of everything.Please pray that everything will go well.


  1. Elizabeth, I certainly will. You two have had some stressful times recently. I know all will go well..Take care of yourself, Judy

  2. You are both in my prayers.
    Hugs to you,

  3. I'll be praying that all goes well for your Jim.

  4. Definitely praying for Jim. It is hard on folks to get hit with something that slows them down when they are active.
    I am sure he will have a lot of support. He had our best wishes, positive thoughts and prayers.
    (((HUGS))) Sherry & jack

  5. Thinking and praying for your Jim right now...♥

  6. Praying for your husband~I've been off the computer a few months~GOT A NEW DELL a few weeks ago~Psalm 103 verses 1,2,3,4,5 KJV IS SPECIAL to me (I JUST CANNOT "NOT" BELIEVE GOD HEALS! and many times ~ many times have been healed!~~Your blog is a blessing ~ Jean(Rome Georgia girl living in Calhoun) ~ ((( if we never had a problem ~ we would never have known that GOD CAN SOLVE the problem ~ and yet my prayer is always HAVE THINE OWN WAY, LORD~~THOU ART THE POTTER~~I AM THE CLAY~~MELT ME & MOLD ME & FILL ME & USE ME SAVIOUR!!! TODAY~~~I'm believing that GOD WILL SEE YOU BOTH THRU THIS & HAVE HAPPY DAYS AHEAD~~Imogene Oweta Nabors Lewis

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