Monday, April 6, 2009

OH NO ! What happen to Spring?

When I got up this morning it was 73 degrees outside and now at noon it is 65 and suppose to get down in the 30's tonight.Well maybe this will be the last of the cold weather.Sunday is Easter and it always seems to be cool for Easter.It seems We always have to cover up our new Easter outfits with sweaters or jackets.
I plan to go to church Sunday morning and have about 15 for Easter dinner at my house. My menu will be:
Baked Ham
chicken & dressing
potato salad
Macaroni & cheese
sweet potato souflee
peas & butterbeans
corn pudding
collard greens
fruit salad
chocolate layer cake
cherry cheese cake

After dinner we will ofcourse have a Easter egg hunt with the grandchildren

What are you doing for Easter?


  1. What a wonderful Easter dinner you have planned! It does seem to always cool off for Easter. We are had freezing temps last night and it will be even colder tonight. Guess spring will get here sometime!

    Love your blog~thanks for visiting mine:)

  2. You must like crowds and cooking. Yikes!

  3. Rose Mary,Thanks for your kind remarks.
    Good to have you on my blog.

    I love cooking,especially for my family.
    I enjoy having them all at my house on holidays
    Its fun!

  4. Elizabeth, your menu sounds fabulous. That's alot of cooking. I am impressed. Cindy

  5. Hi, your menu sounds yummy, you have all my favorites. Where did you say you lived?
    :-) Thank you for your compliments on my doodles and also for the well wishes when i was ill. Easter Blessings. Dee

  6. O.K. Elizabeth with that menu I have to come over to eat. Wow your menu is something else, Yum! Have a blessed Easter.

  7. Cindy,Dee,Pearl,
    Thanks,everyone has a favorite so I fix it all.
    There is always plenty so come on over.

  8. Can I join you? Hope your weather improves and you have a wonderful Easter.

  9. That great Southern sampler menu sure sounds inviting. I'm sure all your guests will so appreciate all of your efforts and I hope you have gorgeous weather for the easter egg hunt.
    Happy Twirls

  10. And just when should we be there? LOL.
    Looks yummo.
    Oh and to answer your question about the vase on my table. Yes it is an AVON vase from the 70's. It was my Mom's and I asked her about it before they left back for Maine.
    I want to see your yellow one. Does yours still have a smell to it? This one does.
    Big hugs to you.

  11. Joyce,Yes come join us!

    Libby,Thanks,I think we will have nice weather,its sunny and Hot today!

    Kim,I thought that vase looked familiar,yes mine still has the scent,I always thought that was amazing!

  12. Hi Elizabeth! Just stopped by to say hello. Whats new around your neck of the world?
