Monday, May 13, 2013

Jim is continuing to recover in the hospital and hopefully he will be well enough to go to a rehab facility soon,so they can get him on his feet and walking. It was not suppose to be this way and I can not imagine why it happened like this but I am trusting that God will give him a complete recovery and that he will soon be home again.


  1. Prayers for a complete recovery. It will be a blessing for him to get to the rehab. I know he will be glad. WOW that is a long time in ICU.

    Love and Hugs from North Carolina

  2. Good news that Jim is continuing to recover well. I will continue prayers for him and for you too. I know you want your hubby home soon.

  3. He sounds like he is doing great, I will keep you both in my prayers.

  4. So glad he is on the road to recovery.

  5. Scary indeed is the unexpected when it comes to surgery...I am just glad to hear that he is progressing. :)Still praying.
