Friday, May 31, 2013

2 weeks of rehab. it has proven to be a roller coaster ride. 1 step forward then 2 steps backwards. I am believing that he will soon be up walking and able to come home. The youngest Grandchild graduated from VPK last night. There are still many joys in the midst of all this! Thank you all for your prayers,cards and calls they mean more than you know.


  1. This is a hard time. I don't really know you all that well nor do I know what's going on but I do know you have a great attitude and GOD has a plan. Hang on and hang in there! Prayers from Texas

  2. Good to see the post. and YES, the roller Coaster rides are physically and mentally challenging, but once off, things will be better. Our hope and prayers. ((HUGS))

  3. You will look back soon and this will all seem like a bad dream. I am keeping you both in my daily prayers. Your best medicine is a day with your grands.

  4. They say we should just hang on and enjoy the ride when on a roller coaster. Not easy at all to do sometimes. Glad you are having some bright spots in your days. Will be praying for you all.

  5. What a sweet photo and a happy time for this little one. I'm praying for you and your sweet husband my friend! Hugs!

  6. I am so glad that progress is still being made, it may be slow but it is steady. Glad you are finding time to be joyful.

  7. Elizabeth, I am so sorry for what you and Jim are going through. I haven't come onto my blog at the right time to see your posts pop up so I haven't answered for awhile, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you and hope that more progress will be made. Just have to take things one day at a time and you are right, It's not supposed to happen this way. Just be thankful for each day and keep on enjoying your grands. He looks so cute in his graduation cap and gown, and you look so pretty.Love your red skirt..Take care, Judy
