It is a sunny 34 degrees at my house this morning. As I sit beside my Christmas tree this morning and drink hot chocolate out of my snowman mug,watching the birds and squirrels out my window I am reminded of what a beautiful world and life we have inspite of all the problems that we all face.
Today I choose to think on only the blessings I have in my life, and they are many although sometimes I let the cares of the world cloud my eyes from them.One of those blessings are the special friendships I have made in this blog land and one of my New Years resolutions is to spend more time this year on blogging. I have been guilty of letting life get in the way of spending time here in this wonderful place that the Lord sent me at a time when I really needed it. I hope that I can give back to others what has been given to me.To all my special blogging friends thank you for being here for me when I needed you so much.