It has been over 2 months since I have been on blogger. Today I will try to catch up with everyone. The last 2 months I have been busy doing things with Jim. It has been wonderful and I feel so blessed to still have him with me. He is back to his old self only better. He knows how close he came to death and that the prayers of so many people are what saved him.We have found a new church and he does not want to miss a service. We saw his Heart surgeon yesterday and he called him "The miracle man" The Drs. know that they did all they could for him but with all the complications he had did not expect him to survive and certainly not be in as good of health as he is now. We celebrated our 31 Anniversary this past weekend and will celebrate his 75th birthday next month. These celebrations are so wonderful, a few weeks ago I did not think that he would be here for them.